The Wild
Feminine Way

Invitations to connect to your Essence & the wisdom of Mother Earth


The Wild Feminine Portal

I am here to offer sacred space to invite you to remember, reclaim and honour your feminine nature. You are cyclical, creative, wild, expressive, intuitive, sovereign, emotional and a sacred being of Mother Earth. The inward spiral journey within is a devotional act, as returning home is a true engagement in service to your well-being, as you discover more profoundly your own unique Truth and Soul Callings.

May you listen to what calls your name. May you courageously choose to lean forward, discovering your natural gifts. May you trust in the visions and sacred contracts revealed naturally to you. Listen, engage, dance, merge with life and see where it surprisingly takes you.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Helen Keller

Upcoming Event: Lunar Women Circle

Come gather in sisterhood and share your Truth, Wednesday September 4th

Most Recent

Sacred Pause

A special gem wisdom that I love to retrieve from the depths of the deep waters and share about my homeland is its imposed Sacred Pause ~ as we must take a boat crossing to be welcomed by the first picturesque village of Tadoussac...


"What makes you feel rich?" And not surprisingly, my answer didn't come down to the paycheck. Even though I deem important to welcome financial flow, like a river naturally circulating, at the end of the day, it isn't about how much I do but rather ~ how I decide to serve and show up in this world...

Tend to Yourself First

Those precious nature immersions, deeply connective, soul balm weekends are missed and yet there is always a way to create what we are seeking with a little bit of imagination. A few weeks ago, knowing I would have the whole apartment to myself for 5 days, I decided to offer myself a "Home Retreat"…


So many times have I felt a big knot in my throat, a holding back, when it has come time to leave, to say goodbye, to put an end to something, someone or a moment. It saddens me, it hurts to let go, shattering my heart...


It’s been quite a courageous journey to return back home. Back home to a life led by my heart, soul, and my creative, authentic power. A return to my true nature, to what brings me honest joy and meaning. Knowing thy self, the healing process of individuation, is what I’ve come to embrace and nourish for my own well-being.

A deep longing to taste and let emerge who I truly am so that who I am, informs what I do as a constantly evolving being. By far, the greatest commitment I’ve gifted myself. As when one feels at peace within, one makes peace with the World.

This path of self-discovery, understanding and acceptance has led me to travel within and engage with life. A true spiral of going inwards and outwards, both necessary. Listening to the pulls of my heart, I experienced diverse pilgrimages by attending nature group retreats & ceremonial gatherings, intuitive dance & psychospiritual trainings. All these invitations, guiding me back to true remembrance.

Devoted to my own unfoldment and following the breadcrumbs or more elegantly said, the rose petals along the way, the teachings of The Wild Feminine Way were revealed to me. As my life holds meaning when it is shared, I am now here to serve from such a personal, integral stance. I live and breathe this way of life.

Visionary, alternative and multi-passionate, I hold so much hope for this New World we are already creating. To remember our own Truth and honour our Callings is where the magic resides. Healing the world starts from within.

Spiral in, to spiral out my dear.

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