Cleansing Realignment

Welcoming 2025 in the spirit of cleansing away what no longer serves and letting go of, releasing what feels in misalignment with my Truth, what therefore, depletes my creative life force.

An invitation to live the True Life!

It’s been a little over a month I’ve moved into a dream of mine ~ living immersed in nature. A true alignment with my heart! How grateful I have been every single day for such a healing manifested dream. These sacred lands welcome me every single day with an open, generous, inspiring, and wild embrace.

A few days in and I met this fierce and magical river in the forest, streaming down from the mountains…just a few minutes from my home (I’m still pinching myself!).

I’ve stopped by on every walk to thank and connect with the medicine of Mama Water for her pureness and purification. I asked if She could wash away the leftover density of the city life: the persevered lifestyle that never felt truly aligned and the toll it left on my overall well-being (even if it came with its loads of gifts which I treasure deeply).

It feels quite fascinating how we allow ourselves to stay in a situation or continue to believe in something that just doesn’t work out anymore. We pursue for many, diverse reasons, while forgetting and neglecting often, our most sacred essentials.

Naturally, this pure water invited me to consider a much deeper scrub. It’s not only the city that’s held a tight grip. I have been left with the impression that my whole year will be around the essence of ~ Cleansing Realignment. An invitation to clear out what isn’t mine, to make room for what truly is in coherence & resonance with my Truth.

And so let me share a beautiful ceremonial-like process that unfolded, that you might also want to undertake.

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Brutally honest and real with myself, I acknowledged and wrote down recurrent, misaligned thoughts, ways of being, beliefs, and habits. I also wrote social conditionings and models that don’t ring true to me. Basically, what I have taken on, what I have been wearing but has been tying me down.

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12 themes bubbled up to the surface. Spotlighted. I see them very well and clear. And now, I can’t hide away from them anymore. These are self-knowledge gems awaiting to be released. To know them is the start of a healing process.

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Each are now written on a piece of paper, folded in a jar, to be revisited and liberated one by one, on these next 12 New Moons to come. Releasing rituals they shall be.

Interestingly, from these 12 letting goes, I noticed an encompassing theme: Self-abandonment. It makes total sense. We abandon ourselves when we dishonour, neglect, dismiss and repress our needs, desires, Truths and natural ways.

But when we align ourselves to our unique Truths, we reclaim our Personal Power. That’s the liberated gateway!

And so, I wonder what Mama Water invites you to let go of in this New Year. A year {9} under the essence of ~ completion, release, personal growth. She is fierce and knows how to carry away the stagnant muck, trust me, go meet her!

May we dare release,
make room for the mysterious new ways
that truly honour and feel aligned with our hearts.

Courage to all, to look within in this New Year of promising transformation.

The Wild Feminine Way reminds us that to make room for the new we must let go of old ways, like a snake shedding off its skin. Remove softly and fiercely, unmask and shake off what doesn’t serve your precious Sacred Path 🌀

If these words spoke to you, share to those who could benefit:

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