Full Moon Liberated Dance

When: Friday August 16th, 7-8:45pm 

What: This ceremonial and holistic invitation is meant to collectively come together to celebrate through intuitive movement, under the inspiring influence of the Full Moon accompanied by the heart-opening beverage of Cacao in total union with Mother Earth. 

Where: Maisonneuve Park, an inspiring and expansive nature oasis in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve/Rosemont (specific location revealed when signed-up). 

For Who: Women wishing true liberation and authentic expression, connecting deeply with the natural, instinctual pulsations of their heart & body through intuitive movement while being held in a highly intentional and compassionate space. 

Contribution: $20 (which includes a soothing cup of Mama Cacao)

Enrollment: To secure your place, please make the transfer via: info@inspirationature.com

  • Question: Please share your email address here so that I can then send you the additional information of the event (what to bring and exact location).
  • Answer: Nature

Please take note:

  • This event might be bilingually guided, depending on the group. 
  • Weather: Depending on how Mother Earth will be feeling on the day of, I will inform you in the morning of any cancelation. You will obviously be fully reimbursed.

For a more gentle, sensitive, harmonious, and deeply connected world. 

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About Liberated Dance...

 An invitation to connect to your authentic nature through intuitive and soul expressive movement.
 Letting your unique rhythms and pulsations emerge freely without being attached to any specific dance form. 
 Coming home to your body temple, your aliveness, while greeting the multi-dimensional being that you are. 
 A reminder of your innate capacity, as a human being, to be in movement and in flow with life. 
 Healing individually, collectively while being supported and held by Mother Earth. 
 A space to shed off excess stagnation and to release what is holding you back from expressing your unique and highest Truth. 
 Honouring ancestral knowledge and wisdom that dance is medicine! 
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