Call in What You Desire

Native to a small hometown of 20,000 people, surrounded by breathtaking natural landscape, I never knew how precious that upbringing was until a few years back.

Growing up, I tasted the small community feel as I lived in a remote small town and was part of a tiny yet, precious English-speaking community.

Tranquil and peaceful environment.

No traffic and excessive busyness and noise. Walking into the sole coffee shop and knowing a few faces.

Familiarity. Comfort.

Anchor. Sentiment of belonging.

Simplistic natural living.

Few options.

Back to essentials: Community and Nature.

Since my arrival in Montreal, I’ve struggled immensely energetically and, have been on a constant search to feel “part of”. I mean, there are so many places to go to, so many people to meet, so many things to do for my curious nature! Overstimulation. Overwhelm. How can I anchor down?

And yet there is incredible beauty in this kind of abundance. I’ve met amazing open-minded people who have inspired my alternative path. I’ve trained in diverse modalities where elsewhere is non-accessible. I’ve also felt the freedom of authentic expression. In such an eclectic city, sharing your uniqueness is so welcomed!

Surprisingly, I barely felt the need to escape the city life this Summer. I anchored myself here more than I have in the past 6 years. I found ways to navigate and care for my sensitive nervous system and to feel more part of.

I called nature to me.

I called community to me.


  • Found an inspiring luminous apartment that offers deep & supportive connection with my neighbours.
  • Created a heavenly hammock chilling spot on my balcony where I get to care for and admire my plants daily, welcoming my mornings, my favorite moment of the day.
  • Found few nature spots around the city that soothe my nervous system and where I let myself dance freely!
  • Shared cyclical dance invitations out in nature, in alignment with my Feminine vision.
  • Deepened my Sisterhood bonds whom I adore and get to walk this courageous path with.

Yet, since the very beginning, I know this Montreal life is a passage. The deepest self-exploration and awakening up to now, this island has been an immense healing portal. I truly feel back Home, to my heart, to my Self.

It doesn’t take away the constant pull and Calling. The one that reminds me that I belong close, embedded in nature. As much as I am grateful for my present life, I know that my sensitive nature would thrive much closer to Mama Earth.

I am on the lookout for this eventual special nature home where I would share the land for wholistic retreats. The ideal dream. But until then, what can I do?

I can get closer right here, right now.

I don’t need to wait and stay stuck in my dreams. I can take one step daily, towards my ideals. My ideal life is actually unfolding right now.

Call in what you need, desire and long for.

Watch yourself be served in surprisingly unexpected ways.

If these words spoke to you, share to those who could benefit.

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